‘Effective Budgeting’ – National Student Money Week Testimonial

Before I started my first degree, I had heard nothing but financial horror stories about students who had spent all their maintenance loan in fresher’s week, or had basically ended up living on beans and rice for entire terms because nightly takeaways wiped out their overdraft. So, when I started university and received my first dose of student loan, I was determined to be …

‘Help and Support With Expecting The Unexpected’ – National Student Money Week Testimonial

Finance. *crickets chirp*. Yes, I know, not the most exciting topic that you want to be scrolling through while you put off doing that lecture that you’ve been “meaning to get to” (you and me both). But student finance is an important topic to talk about, especially when you’re thrown into the unknown world of adulthood …

‘Housing & Student Halls’ – National Student Money Week Testimonial

I’ve been a money mentor for three years and have become the money guru for my friends, but you can’t avoid dealing with the unexpected. Even the most careful plans can be turned on their heads and have you thinking on your feet. Being in control of your money gives you the freedom to adapt to changes …