Global Placement Stories | Tayyibah Uddin at Vodafone as a Software Engineer

  Tayyibah Uddin is a current Computer Science student at King’s College London. In this entry of Global Placement Stories, Tayyibah Uddin talks about how they went from a student attending a KCL Employer speed meet to a becoming a representative at the same speed meet! Why I decided to take a placement year  Around… More Global Placement Stories | Tayyibah Uddin at Vodafone as a Software Engineer

No internship? Fret not: valuable alternatives to consider 

This blog is contributed by Elaine Shak, our Careers Engagement Assistant in the Communications Team.  It’s that time of the year again (and no, I’m not just talking about Christmas): you’re now well settled into second term, juggling endless reading and assignments, trying to stay on top of everything. You speak to your classmates, hoping… More No internship? Fret not: valuable alternatives to consider 

Global Placement Stories | Alexandru Toma at RazorSecure as a React Developer

Alexandru Toma is a current Computer Science student at King’s College London. In this entry of Global Placement Stories, Alexandru Toma talks about his time as a React Developer at RazorSecure so far. Why did you want to do a Placement? Many reasons. Quick oversight – getting a degree in whatever domain is a learning… More Global Placement Stories | Alexandru Toma at RazorSecure as a React Developer

Cultivating professionalism during a 2-week virtual internship: Medical student Caitlin’s story

186 students took part in our second round of King’s Insights Projects. The Shared Value project was a 2-week virtual internship called the Business opportunity Accelerator project. Read more about how Caitlin describes her experience on the programme!… More Cultivating professionalism during a 2-week virtual internship: Medical student Caitlin’s story

Building global team-working skills: Accounting & Finance student Heli’s Insights Project experience!

186 students took part in our second round of King’s Insights Projects. The Shared Value project was a 2-week virtual internship called the Business opportunity Accelerator project. Read more how BSc Accounting & Finance student Heli described her work experience!… More Building global team-working skills: Accounting & Finance student Heli’s Insights Project experience!

The value of volunteering: How my role as a Sustainability Champion Assistant helped my career journey

Volunteering is a fantastic way to gain work experience alongside your degree, and King’s offers heaps of opportunities for this! Did you know you can join King’s Sustainability to promote the championing projects run at the University as a volunteer? Read more from our student case study by Rebecca, a former Sustainability Champion Assistant!… More The value of volunteering: How my role as a Sustainability Champion Assistant helped my career journey

The Benefits of a 2-week Insights Project During Your PhD – 5 Students Reflect on their Experience

A team of five PhD students based at King’s College London drawn from diverse disciplines in health, security studies, classics, biophysics and neuroscience joined together to work on a business opportunity project within King’s Internships Insights Project. Prior to this experience they had not met or worked with one another before. Read on to hear about how their Insights Project went!… More The Benefits of a 2-week Insights Project During Your PhD – 5 Students Reflect on their Experience

Everything you need to know about King’s Insights Projects virtual internships: MSc Psychology of Neuroscience and Mental Health student Seiara’s story

186 students took part in our second round of King’s Insights Projects. The Shared Value project was a 2-week virtual internship called the Business opportunity Accelerator project, where students researched ways to help businesses prepare for a post-Covid19 market and how the pandemic has altered their industry. Today’s blog is written by Seiara – showcasing her experience and giving invaluable advice in case you are interested to take part in an Insights Project yourself!… More Everything you need to know about King’s Insights Projects virtual internships: MSc Psychology of Neuroscience and Mental Health student Seiara’s story