Cold-calling and speculative job applications in the Creative Industries… does it work?

Today we’re talking about whether cold-calling creative industry employers and applying for jobs speculatively can get you in for work experience. Hint: yes it can! Dominic Sutherland, our guest blogger is the Managing Director of NextShoot, a corporate video production company in London making business video content for well-known brands.… More Cold-calling and speculative job applications in the Creative Industries… does it work?

A peek into the future of Creative Industries – A Covid-19 update (Part 1)

The creative industries, like many others, have been subject to a lot of change due to Covid-19. For graduates thinking about finding work within the creative industries, we gathered industry trends to look out for and what graduates can do today to stay employable and competitive.… More A peek into the future of Creative Industries – A Covid-19 update (Part 1)