King’s students create amazing initiatives – and today’s highlight is the KCL Womxn in STEM society’s podcast. Nightingale: Navigating your Career in STEM recently featured a guest from King’s Careers – Application Adviser Shelly-Ann! Below are links to where you can listen to the informative and inspirational podcast.

Navigating your career in STEM is tough enough – but initiatives like KCL Womxn in STEM society are seeking to level the playing field and support equality and diversity in sciences. The society is formed by students, professionals, academics and researchers, with the aim to represent womxn, non-binary, and LGBTQ+ scientists at faculty level and fights for better working conditions – as well as hosting events to build an inclusive network of support for all.
Nightingale: Navigating your Career in STEM is their Podcast. WiSTEM’s aim of this podcast is to help inspire women currently studying a degree in STEM to pursue their career and support them to find beneficial resources to be empowered, whichever area or role they want to go in sciences.
Nightingale is hosted by Anel Yegemberdiyeva, a third-year Maths with Finance and Management student at King’s College London, and the President of the KCL Womxn in STEM.
What is the collaborative episode with King’s Careers Application Adviser Shelly-Ann all about?
“Shelly closely works with Careers & Employability as an advisor for the Natural and Mathematical Sciences faculty at King’s. In this episode, we will explore the importance of cover letters and their structure, discuss postgraduate education options as well as entrepreneurship opportunities.
Shelly contributes to the delivery of higher education and helps to coach and mobilise men and women from all backgrounds to pursue their professional and personal aspirations. Shelly is a CEO and Founder of Alpastute, an attorney at law and she has earned her PhD in Public Services Management from the King’s Business School in 2020.”
Listen to WiSTEM’s Nightingale podcast either on any of the major 6 podcast platforms or on Youtube!