Have you got a project you are dying to start but your student loan won’t quite cover it? Introducing the Student Opportunity Fund (SOF)!
Made possible by the generosity of King’s alumni, all undergraduate and taught postgraduate students can now apply for grants to cover the cost of innovative projects that will enhance their educational experience. Individuals can apply for up to £500 and groups of students can gain up to £1,000.
So how can you get a grant?
To apply for the SOF, you need to show that you are developing new learning, knowledge, experience, skills and attributes that enables you to achieve your academic and career goals.
Examples of how the grant may be used:
- Participation in educational conferences, seminars or excursions.
- Collaborative student projects, related to your studies.
- Extra academic events or invited guest speakers as part of a programme of study.
Examples of how the grants cannot be used:
- To subsidise your degree or student accommodation fees.
- To support extra-curricular activities or elective modules.
- Purchasing equipment.
The deciding panel will then access if you are eligible for the grant and if you’re in luck, then you will be raking in the funds for your next project! Successful applicants will also have to produce a short video or report after the project is complete in order to gain their funds and to evaluate the impact it had on their learning experience.
If you have any queries or questions about the SOF, you can contact the team at sof@kcl.ac.uk.
Applications close 18th March 2019 so get applying!
If the SOF is not for you, then check out these other funding areas that might be of interest: