Careers with Impact: The Social Value of Project Management

Guest blogger Claire Dellar, a Product Manager and Associate of the Association for Project Management (APM), talks about the social value of projects. Read more and gain inspiration from project professionals in the industry. Editors note: read this guest blog for an introduction to a career in project management. By the age of 9 I… More Careers with Impact: The Social Value of Project Management

Navigating a Career in Science as a Gay Man with a Disability – Neuroimaging Sciences Fellow Mark’s story #ProudlyKing’s

Mark Tricklebank is a Wellcome Trust Career Re-entry Fellow in the Department of Neuroimaging Sciences. He is a committee member for Proudly King’s. For LGBTQ+ History Month, he writes about his experiences of coming to terms with his sexuality and finding a career at King’s as a gay man with a disability.… More Navigating a Career in Science as a Gay Man with a Disability – Neuroimaging Sciences Fellow Mark’s story #ProudlyKing’s

Industry insights to education and teaching: Tutors Green reflect on Covid-19 impact on the Education sector + Interview tips!

If you’re planning for a career in education or teaching, then keep reading! As the effects of Covid-19 on young people’s education become more and more obvious, guest blogger Kitty at TutorsGreen offers insights from the industry through Tutoring, as well as tips on the top qualities to present at an interview.… More Industry insights to education and teaching: Tutors Green reflect on Covid-19 impact on the Education sector + Interview tips!

Everything you need to know about King’s Insights Projects virtual internships: MSc Psychology of Neuroscience and Mental Health student Seiara’s story

186 students took part in our second round of King’s Insights Projects. The Shared Value project was a 2-week virtual internship called the Business opportunity Accelerator project, where students researched ways to help businesses prepare for a post-Covid19 market and how the pandemic has altered their industry. Today’s blog is written by Seiara – showcasing her experience and giving invaluable advice in case you are interested to take part in an Insights Project yourself!… More Everything you need to know about King’s Insights Projects virtual internships: MSc Psychology of Neuroscience and Mental Health student Seiara’s story

Why do a placement year? Nicole, KCL International Management student and Global Placements Ambassador tells her story!

We love to celebrate students who embrace their career journey every step of the way, whether that’s big or small. Today we have the pleasure of welcoming Nicole Fleischer to blog about her placement year journey.… More Why do a placement year? Nicole, KCL International Management student and Global Placements Ambassador tells her story!

Making genuine connections & geeking out over Maths: Beth-Anne’s career case study in Accounting!

We have the pleasure of welcoming guest blogger Beth-Anne Bruce to talk about her journey in Accountancy. Interested in exploring the career path? Find out Beth’s top tips for students, what skills are currently sought after in the industry from graduates, and how her career journey looked like, to become an ACCA Chartered Accountant. … More Making genuine connections & geeking out over Maths: Beth-Anne’s career case study in Accounting!

If I had to go back, I would choose it one hundred times over: Chelsea’s case study in Internal Comms career

We have the pleasure of welcoming guest blogger Chelsea Ferguson, who is here to talk about a little talked about career path: Internal communications! What is it, how did Chelsea end up working there, and what advice does she have for students interested in a career in comms?… More If I had to go back, I would choose it one hundred times over: Chelsea’s case study in Internal Comms career

What’s it like being part of an Insights Project? BSc Psychology student Priya’s virtual work experience story!

From 15th – 26th February 2021, 26 students took part in our first round of King’s Insights Projects. The Shared Value project was a 2-week virtual internship, which placed students in teams to work as consultants to a real business. They were tasked with researching new ways for their client to grow their business in alignment with one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.… More What’s it like being part of an Insights Project? BSc Psychology student Priya’s virtual work experience story!