Guide to Personality and Aptitude tests: How to succeed in your Watson Glaser test!

Recruitment can be stressful but there’s no reason to worry – you can prepare for anything with a bit of time and the right resources at hand! Careers Consultant Caroline Lindner shares resources and useful tips for nailing your psychometric assessments in the legal sector.… More Guide to Personality and Aptitude tests: How to succeed in your Watson Glaser test!

Virtual work experience in sustainability consulting: PhD student Katya’s story!

186 students took part in our second round of King’s Insights Projects. The Shared Value project was a 2-week virtual internship called the Business opportunity Accelerator project. Read more about how Katya describes her experience on the programme!… More Virtual work experience in sustainability consulting: PhD student Katya’s story!

Making the most of Foundation Training – Advice for medical students

In today’s blog, career consultant Rebecca Hallam shares her advice to navigating the Foundation Training experience, and the career questions you might be asking yourself. What medical areas should I specialise in? How do I make the most of the Foundation Training?… More Making the most of Foundation Training – Advice for medical students

A Check-in with King’s Law students: 5 tips for incorporating careers into your summer!

In today’s blog, law career consultants Caroline and Brett take the pen to celebrate the end of exams with students of the Dickson Poon School of Law, and offer some ideas to help navigate your next steps during the summer.… More A Check-in with King’s Law students: 5 tips for incorporating careers into your summer!

Kickstart your career journey at King’s! A whistle-stop tour of student work experience opportunities in 2021-22

Today we review some of the most exciting work experience programmes available at King’s! Whether you’re already thinking about your future or simply looking to experience new things and maximise your time at Uni, we’ve got some great stuff for you… Getting experience during your time at King’s Here are King’s we are all about you and… More Kickstart your career journey at King’s! A whistle-stop tour of student work experience opportunities in 2021-22

Cultivating professionalism during a 2-week virtual internship: Medical student Caitlin’s story

186 students took part in our second round of King’s Insights Projects. The Shared Value project was a 2-week virtual internship called the Business opportunity Accelerator project. Read more about how Caitlin describes her experience on the programme!… More Cultivating professionalism during a 2-week virtual internship: Medical student Caitlin’s story

Building global team-working skills: Accounting & Finance student Heli’s Insights Project experience!

186 students took part in our second round of King’s Insights Projects. The Shared Value project was a 2-week virtual internship called the Business opportunity Accelerator project. Read more how BSc Accounting & Finance student Heli described her work experience!… More Building global team-working skills: Accounting & Finance student Heli’s Insights Project experience!