It’s time to meet your Buddies for this year! Himanshi and Anna are current Psychology BSc students and they will blogging/vlogging and running the offer holder groups.

Hello everyone! My name is Himanshi and I am a final year Psychology student at King’s College London. I am originally from India and I am currently involved with KCL Fashion Society as their social media manager. Apart from university, I am involved with research and co-creation projects. I love reading and traveling too!

Hi everyone! I am a second-year BSc Psychology student, looking to go into consulting psychology. I’ve been part of the Psychology subject ambassador team since the beginning of my university journey which has been a fantastic experience. I am originally from Russia but lived in Spain for a while before moving to the UK, so if you have questions about international travel, communities, exams and settling in, I will be happy to help you. I am also part of the cultural competency team at King’s and will gladly tell you about our thriving cultural programs and opportunities. I hope I will be able to provide some help and guidance about my course and student life in general, to make your journey at King’s easier and less stressful
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