It’s time to meet your Buddies for this year! Rose and Amanda are current first-year Neuroscience & Psychology BSc students and they will blogging/vlogging and running the offer holder groups.

Hi, I’m Rose, a first-year student at King’s studying Neuroscience and psychology. Growing up in Hackney, I had the pressure of overcoming the situational burdens placed upon me. I not only struggled with overcoming the negative stigma around my attainment but also the negative stigma around my future. With the wide range of attractive facilities at kings, I knew I was joining a highly supportive community and I loved that!! Happy to help in any way!

Hello! I’m Amanda, a first-year BSc Neuroscience and Psychology student from Singapore. I made the trip to London last September and have been riding out the uncertainties of the UK’s situation since (though I will be heading back home soon). I love the outdoors and sports, though that has mostly been restricted to running in recent months. I also spend quite some time volunteering — feel free to chat to me about service opportunities at King’s or in London. Importantly, I really love the course that I study, and am very happy to share more about it and help you settle in! I’m excited to see what the year ahead will bring, and hope that you are too!
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