In this blog post, to give you an insight into life at King’s Val and Pauline share the things they love and what they will miss the most about King’s and Liv shares her favourite places to eat.
What we love about King’s
We’ll definitely miss the ease of meeting new people through societies. There are over different 300 societies and sports groups. From Psychology society to the breakdancing society, there’s something for everyone to enjoy! Plus, if you can’t find something you’re interested in, just start up your own society! The Cheese society is definitely a favourite society of ours – Every member brings along a type of cheese to their meetings. During their meeting, they taste every cheese and rate each cheese on a criterion they devised at the beginning of the year. At the end of the meeting, whoever brought the best tasting cheese, gets to bring home all of the cheese!
Societies are a great way to get to know like-minded people, who are interested in the same things as you. We’ll miss how easy it is to join new activities and get to know new people. During our time at King’s, We’ve taken up new sports, volunteered in the community and met people from across different courses. There’s also no pressure to have started anything in first year, people join new societies in their second and third year as well. Getting involved is really easy, and you can really find a sense of community within different societies.
King’s is such an open university, with people encouraging you to try new things; your friends around you telling you what they’re up to. You are surrounded by new opportunities, without you really even having to look for them, events pop up on your Facebook feed every day. Ranging from, coffee socials to club nights to free film screenings about mental health.
Coming to university is a chance to explore new activities, try out things that you were scared to do during college and high school. When you leave university, joining these activities won’t be as easy as before.
Where to eat
I always try and take a packed lunch to uni, as it works out cheaper and we have the advantage of having our own private microwave in the psychology department! But we all know that meal-planning doesn’t always happen… In those cases, my favourite place to have lunch whilst at Guy’s campus is definitely Borough Market. We’re so lucky to have our campus right next to one of the most famous food markets of the city! Of course, this is a treat a student probably can’t afford every day of the week, so alternatives that are a bit easier on the wallet include::
- The Shed, out student union café which has amazing meal deals from £2.99 (even cheaper than Sainsbury’s!).
- Guy’s bar, the union bar, makes really good quality meals at a really decent price
- And if you want to leave campus for a bit, there are lots of chains and independent shops just a few minutes walk away. Many of them do student discount too!
We also wrote a blog-post last year about Life at King’s have a read of that if you would like to get more of an insight:
Please feel free to join the Facebook group and ask us any questions you have.
Until next time!
Val, Liv and Pauline
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