During Coronovirus domestic abuse calls have gone up 25% to UK abuse helpline

Escape routes such as the school run or shopping trips have been severely restricted since lockdown.

The BBC have reported that the National Abuse Helpline in the UK have had calls increase by 25% in the last week compared to two weeks earlier. Additionally, visits to the National domestic abuse helpline for information were 150% higher since lockdown than in February according to Refuge. The restrictions have heightened domestic tensions and cut off escape routes for victims including school runs, attending work and shopping trips. Additionally, support normally provided by family, friends and even work colleagues has been reduced.

A high profile UK campaigner Rachel Williams (who was in an abusive relationship for 18 years) is highlighting that she believes domestic violence and related homicides will increase due to social distancing. She believes that women and children are more likely to be spending prolonged periods of time with their abuser and escalating threats and abuse will be one of the results of lockdown.  

The National Domestic Abuse Helpline can be contacted online rather than by phone.  The police are still encouraging abused people to report crimes, with West Midlands police force stating they will always seek to remove the perpetrator from the household (partly in order that the victim can be supported by family, friends and neighbours.)   

You can access BBC news item here.

You can view an Independent paper article here.


WHO provide information on Covid-19 and violence against women

Please find attached information sheets on COVID-19 and violence against women that have been developed by the WHO team

The World Health Organisation (WHO) have identified that stress, disruption to protective networks (such as friends and family) and access to services will all adversely affect violence against women against the backdrop of Covid-19.  Job losses, the increased proximity of direct family members but decreased access to the extended family have also been identified as outcomes. In this crisis, women bear the brunt of the increased care work; including caring for children who are not at school and elderly relatives staying in this household.  This has also impacted on their ability to work from home.

Perpetrators of abuse may use the restrictions in place on movement and access to financial resources to exercise power and control over their partners. This may result in reduced access to services for help and support for these women. Controlling access to soap and sanitizers for women may also be a tactic used by perpetrators to exert power and increase anxiety for their partners. The spreading of misinformation has also been highlighted as a technique used by some perpetrators to exert authority.

WHO has asked governments and policymakers to consider essential domestic violence services in response to COVID-19 and to identify ways to make these services accessible within the context of physical distancing measures. They provided suggestions for health facilities and providers, humanitarian organisations, community members and to women themselves who are experiencing violence during this international crisis.