Escape routes such as the school run or shopping trips have been severely restricted since lockdown.
The BBC have reported that the National Abuse Helpline in the UK have had calls increase by 25% in the last week compared to two weeks earlier. Additionally, visits to the National domestic abuse helpline for information were 150% higher since lockdown than in February according to Refuge. The restrictions have heightened domestic tensions and cut off escape routes for victims including school runs, attending work and shopping trips. Additionally, support normally provided by family, friends and even work colleagues has been reduced.
A high profile UK campaigner Rachel Williams (who was in an abusive relationship for 18 years) is highlighting that she believes domestic violence and related homicides will increase due to social distancing. She believes that women and children are more likely to be spending prolonged periods of time with their abuser and escalating threats and abuse will be one of the results of lockdown.
The National Domestic Abuse Helpline can be contacted online rather than by phone. The police are still encouraging abused people to report crimes, with West Midlands police force stating they will always seek to remove the perpetrator from the household (partly in order that the victim can be supported by family, friends and neighbours.)
You can access BBC news item here.
You can view an Independent paper article here.