Domestic violence conference in London: Lessons from Duluth and Beyond, Coordinated community response and DV perpetrator programmes

dv met uni

The second week in June must be a busy week of DV conferences and events in the UK! If you are located further south in England perhaps this would be more convenient for you to attend. The conference will take place at London Metropolitan University on 6th June 9.30am – 1.30pm.

Information on the event and speakers can be accessed here. A map is also available and contact details to organise your attendance.

Hestia and London Metropolitan University are organising this event featuring two representatives from leading domestic abuse prevention organisations in the United States, the focus of the presentations is looking at the lessons learned from Community Coordinated Response (CCR) and perpetrator programmes.


CCR to domestic abuse originated in the early 1980s in Duluth, Minnesota with the twin aims of centering victim safety and holding male perpetrators to account. In 2014, Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs (DAIP), the city of Duluth and St. Louis County were awarded the “Gold Award” from the World Future Council and Inter-Parliamentary Union for the creation of the concept of a CCR.

The Duluth Model has become a ‘world travelling concept’, applied and adapted across different cultural contexts. In the UK, it is claimed as the basis of many of the multi-agency approaches that support victims of domestic abuse.