Green Impact Award – Geography 2016


Green Impact is an environmental accreditation scheme with an awards element designed for departments. The Geography Department was the first academic department to  participate and last summer thanks to Kelly and the team we attained a Bronze Award, with particular praise going to The Geography Department’s flash ‘ban the bottle’ campaign. 

GreenImpact2016Geography_reducedFor King’s College London, this is the second year participating in the Green Impact scheme. Last year, nearly 30 teams from King’s entered the competition; 11 got bronze and 3 silver.

The Geography Department are involved again this year, with PhD student Kelly Gunnell again leading the project with a team of Sustainability Champions all working together to meet the deadline of 19th May. Please see the Green Impact noticeboard in the Common Room for more details and look out for Green Impact messages in departmental communications over the coming weeks. The sustainable criteria are set out in the Green Impact Work book.

Interested in being a Sustainability Champion?

We have a great team of undergraduate and masters students currently but we would like more staff and PhD students to get involved!


Green Impact - Did you know?Make an impact

Even if you do not have time to be a champion, you can have an impact by acting on Green Impact messages and help spreading the word.

Check out the video online here to find out more about the project and how the Green Impact workbook has helped other universities and organisations to improve their sustainability, and why you should get involved.

Or are involved in a ‘green’ activity that you think contributes to the Department’s green footprint? Do you have a story to tell about why sustainability is important or a project you have participated in that can inspire others? Please do tell us about it before May 19th! Contact Kelly Gunnell on or Nikola Hall








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