Victoria Grimwood is a Pre-Doctoral Local Authority Fellow at the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, King’s College London. (304 words)

Victoria Grimwood
In the recently published Social work in England: State of the nation 2023 report Social Work England, the regulatory body of social work in England, announced an intention to increase the focus on equality, diversity and inclusion, and a commitment to the development of improved standards in education and training for the profession. As many in social work have observed, the social work profession is more diverse than the general population in England in relation to ethnicity, gender identity and sexual orientation.
However, more needs to be done to lower and remove barriers faced by social work students with protected characteristics. This will help ensure that all students receive the education and training they need to equip them to understand the impact of intersecting discriminations and oppressions, tackle inequalities, and promote human rights and wellbeing for everyone.
Karl Mason, Lecturer in Social Work at Royal Holloway, University of London, has previously joined other social work educators in calling for the development of a more nuanced pedagogical stance in relation to LGBTQ+ issues in the classroom and in supporting work with LGBTQ+ colleagues and those who draw on services. Earlier this month he led a timely workshop on LGBTQ+ Issues in Social Work Practice Education, Placements, and the Assessed Supported Year in Employment where participants previewed a new resource to support social work education and training in this area.

Members of the project team discuss LGBTQ+ Issues in Social Work Practice Education, Placements and the ASYE
The resource was funded by the West London Social Work Teaching Partnership and was developed by Karl, and a small project team of students, social workers and managers, utilising feedback provided by those undertaking the practice education award at Royal Holloway. The contents will be helpful for social work academics, students, practice educators, and assessors, including myself, and can be used support the broader aims of sector organisations seeking to further intersectional equality, diversity, and inclusion.
Victoria Grimwood is a Pre-Doctoral Local Authority Fellow at the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, King’s College London.
See also by Victoria:
Supporting people who identify as LGBTQ+ (23 Feb 2023)