‘Making Money From Home During COVID-19’ – National Student Money Week Testimonial

The first lockdown came and went. University ended for the year. And it was time for summer. This meant: going for walks, meeting friends in the park, watching my favourite films and TV programmes. Although my time outdoors increased, so did my screen time. I was consuming so much information, especially from random advertisements. What …

‘Making Money During The Pandemic’ – National Student Money Week Testimonial

Making money during this pandemic has been cause for concern for many students. No doubt it has been a very difficult time and many students are being made redundant from jobs in the hospitality sector and hours for other jobs have been reducing due to the lack of events being run.   However, just as with …

‘Tips and Tricks on Making Money From Home’ – National Student Money Week Testimonial

The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unexpected event and undoubtedly affected our finances, amongst other things. The lockdown in March restricted us to our homes, with limited access to work and on-site education. With much time on my hands and little to do, I started looking for jobs to keep me busy and save for the future.   I began applying to temporary jobs at supermarkets, …